Projekt zmienił nasze miasto

On Thursday, 22th  of  February, during a conference in the Concert Hall of the Music School in Żywiec, the SMART Żywiec - (r)evolution project, which was implemented for over 2 years, was summarized and ended.
The project is ending, but its effects will stay with us for coming years" Mr Antoni Szlagor, Mayor of Żywiec City said thanking the  all Żywiec City Hall employees, partners and contractors who supported implementation of this significant project. - There will be further calls and competitions, which we also intend to enter. I therefore think, that we will certainly hear more about the Norwegian funds.
We would like to remind You, that within SMART Żywiec - (r)evolution, for more than PLN 15 million,  several dozen initiatives have been implemented in Żywiec City. Starting  from small, but significant activities to big investments.  The largest one,  was walking – bike bridge over the Soła Rriver, which was opened at the beginning of the year,
This investment improved communication between the city's districts, and what is important pedestrian and bicycle paths made within this project also encourage citizens for active recreation.
New and very important element in Żywiec City urban space is also the brine graduation tower, which was planned to developed in Habsburg Park and will soon be completed. The project has also improved the aesthetics of our City. Five new murals have appeared in the urban space, each uniquely displaying the beauty, traditions and values of our city.
The creation of 14 new green corners, squares and flower meadows in the city center has also contributed to the city's greater aesthetic appeal. In addition to their aesthetic value, they also perform an ecological function by helping to clean the city's air.
In October last year, the 'smart trash' system was launched, involving the electronic monitoring of 40 trashcans. Special application designed for it, shows the fill level of each trashcan, very improved the operations of the services emptying the trashcans in our City.
The SMART Żywiec - (r)evolution project also involved many activities directed for residents integration, social exclusion prevention of citizens with disabilities and Municipal office employees competencies improving.
The SMART Żywiec - (r)evolution project also included the reconstruction of the sports field for children and youth at the Ogródek Club as well as family picnics in each districts around our City.
Citizens could also  took a part in a series of meetings, training sessions, conferences and webinars dedicated different for all age groups.
It is also worth to mention that this project has greatly improved the accessibility for citizens with disabilities, In many places around the city, including the City Hall itself and its subordinate institutions, pedestrian crossings with an inclusive surface have appeared, ensuring safe movement for blind and partially sighted people. At the Municipal Social Welfare Centre, a stairlift has been provided for wheelchair users to have a comfortable access  all around the building. Also a special intercom was installed at the Żywiec Municipal Library, and a tyflographic map was installed at the Municipal Office, making for the blind and visually impaired orientation easier. Thanks to thanks to the 'Mobile officer' service, people with special needs can handle official matters without leaving  their homes.
Importantly, each of these activities involved participation of partners: local associations, sports clubs, schools and firefighters units. The number of partners in this project, shows how big the project was. Thursday's conference was an opportunity to thank everyone and present a short film summarizing the effects of all those who were involved in the project.
The project ending is scheduled on 30th of  April this year. Its total value is PLN 15,331,864.51. It has been funded 85 % by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and 15 % by the state budget.



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